Produced by Vice Studios, “Searching Eva” shows signs of their brand of woke sensationalism: It depicts Eva fully nude, having sex, and, though she describes herself as a recovering addict, preparing to shoot up drugs. Does even seeing this distinction just show my difference from their generation? It’s hard to tell where Eva’s healthy desire to tell the truth about their body bleeds into a selfie-driven narcissism. “Searching Eva” feels more like new media than a film, especially in its tone of carefully poised, faux-casual oversharing. Its subject, 25-year-old Eva Collé, is a non-binary sex worker, fashion model, social media celebrity, poet, and musician (among other things) who documents their life with numerous selfies.
Pia Hellenthal’s “Looking for Eva” made me feel very old.
It would be impossible to sum up all the LGBTQ-themed films in a fairly brief article, so I chose four very different titles.
A monthly subscription cost $10.98, while one can buy a year in advance for $95.88. Under COVID lockdown, the concept behind MUBI has changed, as it has opened up its library, making a selection of hundreds of films available to subscribers.